SPECIAL: TMC Construction and the Operators Manuals


This includes both the TMC-1™ Operations Manual and TMC-1™ Construction Manual

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Product Description

TMC-1™ Construction Manual: The TMC-1™ is a Thresher Masher Chopper Device designed to be made from local resources. While it requires resourceful metal artisans, it can be fabricated with ordinary files, spanners and other common hand tools and clamps, plus an ordinary hand held electric drill, a small disk grinder and a small portable electric (stick) welder. The unit is all steel welded construction and utilizes sealed pillow block bearings to sustain the one moving part for durable and efficient operation.

TMC-1™ Operations Manual: Conventional hand pounding of agro residues and commercially pressed waste materials consumes more than half of the total of overall labor and time invested in the local briquette production process. The TMC decreases that labor to effectively increase production output by up to 50%, while greatly reducing the drudgery of the overall effort. It is the ideal piece of equipment for the serious production team working in a competitive subsistence environment. The TMC-1™ reduces a wide variety of leaves, grasses, straws, waste paper, husks, stalks etc., to cornflake sized bits with simple oscillating rotational motion. Using one or two operators, a properly made TMC-1™ will process up to 300 Kgs of material—sufficient for up to three production teams—a day.

The machine is designed for either portable or stationary use. In either form, and depending upon the materials used in fabrication, it will weigh approximately 65 to 75 Kgs. When collapsed for transport or shipping, the TMC-1™ occupies the dimensions of a rectangular box of 38cm depth, X 61cm height X 65 cm length.

This hand-operated TMC-1™ has been developed and tested over the past four years in East Africa.